Friday, November 25, 2016

Ancestry/Fold3 : All UK, Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioner Admissions and Discharges, 1715-1925

Hello Everyone,

I came across a new database on that I think might be of some benefit for a few Lardner families: All UK, Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioner Admissions and Discharges, 1715-1925.  The files themselves are housed on a associated website, so if you do not have an Ancestry account you can pay for access to see the records on instead.

Please note, I'm only including pertinent facts, not the entirety of what can be found the records.  In addition, I am also only listing those entries that specifically reference County Clare. If you know your Clare relatives name and regiment, you may be able to find their service information in the registers.  There are several Lardners (and variations of the name) listed, but not all entries provide a place of birth.


"Examination of Invalid Soldiers on Monday the 2nd June 1788"
J[oh]n Lardner of the 44th Foot Reg't, Age 46 (abt 1742), Served: 12, Where born: Drumclift, Clare, Occupation: Tanner

"His Majesty's XLIVth Regiment of Foot whereof Lieut. Gen. Charles Rainsford is Colonel"
Military discharge of John Lardiner, of the 44th Foot in Capt. Edward Dunnces Company, born in Drumclift, Clair, Occupation: Tanner, Aged 43, Served faithfully for 12 years.


"Examination of Invalid Soldiers on Wednesday the 3rd of Febr[uar]y 1747/48"
W[illia]m Lardner of the 28th Reg't Bragg's, Age 46 (abt 1701), Served 23, disabled by lone sickness & kapture, Where born: Innis, Clare, Occupation: Wool comb'


"Examination of Invalid Soldiers on 8th September 1874"
Michael Lardner of the 18th Foot, Private, Age 38 (abt 1836), Served: 21 (1 yr 7mo Crimea, 8yr 4mo, India, 9yr 1mo Malta), earned 1 badge, Where born: Kilofin, Kildysart, Clare, Occupation: Labourer, 6ft 10in tall, brown eyes, brown hair.


Until Next Time,

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