Thursday, March 31, 2016

Lardner name in the "Ireland Dog Licence Registers" on FindMyPast

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to post some information I found on the website and their database, "Ireland Dog Licence Registers."  Who knew that this rather banal collection of data could one day be used for genealogy!

Unfortunately, due to constraints of this blog I had to post the info I found in picture format below:

You should be able to click on the image to make it larger and the original records are available on  The individuals listed are: 
  • William Lardner of Monmore 
  • James Lardner/Larner of Clounlaheen/Powerstown
  • James Larner of Lisheen
  • Miss Lardner/Miss M.E. Lardner/Ellen Lardner of Corofin and Corofin Workhouse
  • Thomas Lardner and Tom Lardner/Larner of Moanmore/Moanmore Lower 
  • John Lardner of Knockerry and Knockerra.
James Lardner of Clounlaheen/Powerstown is my direct relation and his dog license registration covers the time periods of 1870-1872 and 1876-1882.  The fact that the standard breed of dog that he licensed is a Sheep dog provides insight into the possible means of subsistence for the family.

Until next time,


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