Monday, February 9, 2015

A Few Names of Early Lardner Family Members

Hello Everyone,

I took a genealogical hiatus from the blog because of life and other good things, but I'm back now with a trip taken to Ireland and and a crazy genealogical project that I'm attempting to complete in the wings.

Meanwhile, I thought people might be interested in seeing some the earliest Lardner/Larner names that I've come across in awhile in the civil register (ordered by year of birth):

- 1700s - 

  • George Lardner - born 1787 - died 1867 
    • District of Registration for Death: Killadysert 
  • Martin Lardner - born 1789 - died 1879
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush 
  • James Larner - born 1791 - died 1891
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush 
  • Margaret Lardner - born 1792 - died 1872
    • District of Registration for Death: Limerick 
  • Johanna Lardner - born 1793 - died 1879
    • District of Registration for Death: Limerick
  • Kate Lardner - born 1793 - died 1878
    • District of Registration for Death: Killadysert
  • James Lardner - born 1798 - died 1870
    • District of Registration for Death: Limerick

- 1800s-1850s - 

  • William Lardner - born 1800 - died 1872 
    • District of Registration for Death: Ennis
  • Margaret Lardner - born 1801- died 1886
    • District of Registration for Death: Corrofin
  • James Lardner - born 1803 - died 1883
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • Mary Lardner - born 1805 - died 1866
    • District of Registration for Death: Killadysert
  • Margaret Lardner - born 1806 - died 1886
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • William Lardner - born 1806 - died 1891
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • Ellen Lardner - born 1808 - died 1868
    • District of Registration for Death: Ennis
  • Kate Lardner - born 1810 - died 1882
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • Mary Lardner - born 1811 - died 1871
    • District of Registration for Death: Ennis
  • Timothy Lardner - born 1811 - died 1887
    • District of Registration for Death: Killadysert
  • John Lardner - born 1815 - died 1875
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • Kate Lardner - born 1816 - died 1879
    • District of Registration for Death: Corrofin
  • Mary Lardner - born 1816 - died 1879
    • District of Registration for Death: Ennis
  • Catherine Lardner - born 1821 - died 1901
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • Anne Lardner - born 1825 - died 1885
    • District of Registration for Death: Killadysert
  • John Larner - born 1831- died 1882
    • District of Registration for Death: Limerick
  • Mary Larner - born 1834 - died 1914
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • James Lardner - born 1835 - died 1911
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • Mary Larner - born 1842 - died 1930
    • District of Registration for Death: Ennis
  • Bridget Lardner - born 1843 - died 1875
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
  • John Larner - born 1846 - died 1916
    • District of Registration for Death: Limerick
  • Kate Larner - born 1846 - died 1916
    • District of Registration for Death: Limerick
  • Nora Lardner - born 1859 - died 1932
    • District of Registration for Death: Kilrush
Source used for this listing:

Until Later,

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