Friday, August 14, 2015

Lardner Name in Twelve Roman Catholic Parishes in County Clare

Hello Everyone,

At this point I thought I would give everybody an idea where I am with locating Lardner families in the Roman Catholic records available on the NLI website

So far, I have been able to look at the records for twelve RC parishes: Knockera, Kilfiddane, Kildysart, Kilkee, Killard, Carrigaholt, Kilmacduane, Kilmihil, Killone, Kilmurry McMahon, Kilchrist, and St. Senan's.*

In the above image you will find that the parishes marked in yellow have a general count of individual Lardner couples/families have been found.  For those parishes in red, I was unable to locate any Lardner references in the available records for the said areas.

Please be aware, this count is not definitive proof that additional couples/families did not exist in the area. The availability of the records for certain time periods effects information presented on this blog as does the inevitability of human error.  

I have created the below .gif in order to display both the record availability for the various parishes under consideration and the presence or lack thereof of the Lardner name from 1827 to 1883.

In this image, parishes in white indicate that there were no records available from the NLI collection for the time period listed in the upper left-hand corner of the .gif. If the parish is grey in color, records are available but a subsequent search did not find any Lardners.  Finally, there are those parishes in yellow which have both the availability of records and the presence of the family name.

I intend to in detail each parish and their family groups/couples found in the NLI's parish records in future posts, but for now I hope you've enjoyed this current update.

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or comments.

Until Later,

*NB: For the parish of Kilmihil I utilized the available name index for the area instead of going through the entire parish records entry by entry.

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